
Renewable resources are the future: The role of sustainable raw materials and the potential of biopolymers in Brazil.

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Autoria: GODOI, C. N.; WANDER, A. E.; LADVOCAT, M.; MANZI, R. H. D.

Resumo: This article discusses the emergence of a global biopolymer market and the potential for economic use in the Brazilian case. The aim is to identify and discuss the potential of access to biopolymers, their uses, and transformations in Brazilian industrial production. It is considered that Brazil has a high production potential for biopolymers. However, it is known that these new materials are still in the initial phase of production and replacement of conventional plastic products. We present global data from regions that stand out in the production process of these raw materials, as well as data on countries that already use these sources to convert more sustainable products. After presenting data, an analysis of Porter's diamond was carried out to know and understand how the biopolymer chain is currently organized, its potential, and its challenges in Brazil.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico