Leaf-level carbon isotope discrimination and its relationship with yield components as a tool for cotton phenotyping in unfavorable conditions.

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Autoria: BRITO, G. G. de; SUASSUNA, N. D.; SILVA, V. N.; SOFIATTI, V.; DIOLA, V.; MORELLO, C. de L.

Resumo: The initial goal of this study was to measure the efficiency of carbon isotope discrimination (?) in distinguishing between cotton plant genotypes subjected to two water regimes. In addition, ? measurements, leaf water potential and gas exchange ratios were monitored. Using Brazilian breeding lines, this study also tested the usability of ? as a proxy for selecting high-performing yield components in cotton plants grown in unfavorable conditions, particularly water deficiency. For these experiments, ? and yield components were measured and their correlations analyzed. Differences among cotton genotypes for ? (p < 0.0001) were verified, and it was found that this variable was significantly correlated with gas exchange. There was a significant positive correlation between ? and seed cotton yield only in the site experiencing severe water deficiency (Santa Helena de Goiás). However, ? had a significant negative correlation with fiber percentage. Our results indicate that ? is a suitable tool for cotton phenotyping, and it may be applied in cotton breeding programs that aim to produce high-performing yield components in unfavorable conditions.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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