Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems: a brazilian experience for sustainable farming.

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Autoria: BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ALMEIDA, R. G. de

Resumo: This book provides technical and scientific subsidies for agricultural development goals: sustainable production. Produced by a highly qualified research and development team, committed to sustainable progress through agricultural practices improvement, the following pages gather research results from many investigations on integrating crops with cattle husbandry and forestry. Concepts and initiatives for sustainable agriculture; Integrated systems: what they are, their advantages and limitations, Crop-livestock-forestry integration and the progress of the brazilian agriculture; Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems and the innovation system in brazilian agriculture; Entrepreneurship for sustainability with crop-livestock-forestry integration; Integrated crop and livestock systems as alternative to recover degraded pastures; Fundamentals of implementing integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems with eucalyptus tree; Planning tools for crop-livestock-forestry integration; Forage grasses in integrated cattle production systems; Tree species in integrated production systems; Tree management and wood propeties in integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems with eucalyptus; Benefits of tree shade for beef cattle under integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems; Supplementary feeding for beef cattle under integrated farming systems; Parasite control for beef cattle under integrated farming systems; Sheep farming for mutton production under integrated systems; Geospatial monitoring for integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems; Cost-effectiveness of integrated production systems; Economic sustainability of silvipastoral systems using eucalyptus for timber; The strategic position of integrated farming systems in the context of agriculture and environment; Potential of integrated production systems in Semi-arid and Arid Zones of Africa.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Livros


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