Corn root morphoanatomy at different development stages and yield under water stress.

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Autoria: SOUZA, T. C. de; MAGALHAES, P. C.; CASTRO, E. M. de; DUARTE, V. P.; LAVINSKY, A. O.

Resumo: The objective of this work was to characterize the morphoanatomy of roots and the yield traits of two corn hybrids contrasting for drought tolerance (DKB 390, tolerant; and BRS 1030, sensitive), at different stages of development. Water deficit was imposed for ten days, in a greenhouse, at three growth stages: V5, VT, and R3. These treatments were combined to generate cumulative stress during the plant cycle, as: V5VT, V5R3, VTR3, and V5VTR3. The following were analyzed: root anatomy; proportion of aerenchyma in the cortex; metaxylem number and diameter; phloem thickness; as well as morphological characteristics, such as root length, volume, and surface area, specific root length, length of fine roots, grain yield, and ear length and diameter. Development stage affected the responses to stress: DKB 390 showed the best performance for root morphoanatomy and yield traits, under drought stress, at the reproductive stages, mainly R3, and in the treatments with cumulative stress, especially V5VTR3; whereas BRS 1030 presented higher means for the studied parameters, mainly at the V5 and VT stages, but did not show a higher grain yield under water stress. The greater tolerance of the DKB 390 hybrid to water deficit is probably linked with a memory of pre?exposure to water stress at different growth stages.

Ano de publicação: 2016

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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