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Resumo: The main themes of this conference are i) Field Plant Phenotyping use of precision agriculture tools, elaboration of protocols to improve yield, and plant breeding; ii) Novel Non-Invasive Instrumentation Technologies, such as automation, sensors, modeling, bioinformatics, and signal processing for plant phenotyping; and iii) Phenotyping for Crop Improvement and for biotic and abiotic stress. 23. Phenotyping for drought tolerance of a biparental wheat population, using agronomic traits for validation of spectral and fluorescence sensors. C. A. Lima, W. Q. Ribeiro Júnior, B. Keller, M. L. G. Ramos, G. F. Soares, L. F. Pereira, O. C. Rocha, O. Muller, L. Consoli, S. M. M. Scagliusi, U. Rascher. 25. Validation of reflectance and fluorescence sensors for wheat tolerance to drought in field conditions in Cerrado region. G. F. Soares, C. A. Lima, L. F. Felisberto, B. Keller, W. Q. Ribeiro Junior, M. L. G. Ramos, O. Muller, O. C. Rocha, U. Rascher. 39. Assessing wheat traits by spectral reflectance: do we really need to focus on predicted trait-values or directly identify the elite genotypes group? Gustavo A. Lobos. 56. Fast Detection of Tan Spot and Powdery Mildew on Wheat using Deep Learning. M. Nicolau, F. M. Santana, M. B. M. Pimentel, J. M. C. Fernandes, W. Pavan. 66. Use of image phenotyping for screening Pyrenophora tritici-repentis resistance in wheat. Flávio Martins Santana, Eduardo Caierão, Sandra Mansur Scagliusi, Anyela Camargo-Rodriguez. 72. Heat priming effects on alleviating later damages of heat stress in different wheat cultivars. Thayna Mendanha, Benita Hyldgaard, Eva Rosenqvist, Carl-Otto Ottosen. 77. Global network for precision wheat phenotyping. C. Saint Pierre, M. E. Ghanem, S. Ben M'Barek, G. Azzimonti, F. Marza, A. Yahyaoui, P. Singh, M. Baum, H. Braun. 78. Phenotypic screening of Toropi x IAC13 population under hydroponic solution. G. B. P. da Silva, J. A. Martinelli, M. S. Chaves, C. M. Zanella, L. A. Boyd, C.A. Delatorre. 82. UAV-based imagery for phenotyping in breeding and physiological pre-breeding of wheat at CIMMYT. Francisco Pinto, Matthew Reynolds, Gemma Molero.

Ano de publicação: 2017


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