Parcerias interinstitucionais para o povoamento de bancos de dados de ICV.

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Autoria: MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; SUGAWARA, E. T.; CAVALETT, O.; UGAYA, C. M. L.; BRAGA, T. e N.

Resumo: The expansion of international Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases containing processes from various regions of the world is an longstanding demand of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community. Managers of the main international databases also acknowledge this demand as they have been investing in making available more LCI datasets of products from non-European countries, such as the case of Brazil. In addition, production of national databases not only provides data, but also promotes LCA practice within the country. In this sense, a strategic partnership between ecoinvent, IBICT (the manager of the National Life Cycle Inventory Database - SICV Brasil), EMBRAPA, CTBE, UTFPR, Espaço Eco Foundation, Agroscope and Quantis Sàrl was created in the project called "Life Cycle Inventories of Brazilian agricultural products: a contribution to the ecoinvent database - ICVAgroBR", supported by the "Sustainable Recycling Industries" Program - SRI. Within this project, several representative datasets of important products of the Brazilian agribusiness will be provided to the ecoinvent and SICV databases, i.e. sugarcane, soybean, maize, mango, eucalyptus and beef. The publication in these databases will deliver to the international community LCI datasets with a very good representation of the Brazilian productive processes. This initiative also contributes to increase the reliability of the data, makes LCI more compatible and make possible to compare processes and products by complying with an international methodological standard, while taking into account the specificities of the country.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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