Dinâmica das áreas de reflorestamento no município de Paragominas, Estado do Pará, considerando dados temporais do projeto TerraClass.

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Autoria: LIMA, I. V. de; SILVA, M. B. da; ADAMI, M.; PINHEIRO, A. F.; BARROS, M. N. R.; NARVAES, I. da S.; GOMES, A. R.; WATRIN, O. dos S.; MAGNO JÚNIOR, P. S. do L.; ROCHA, E. S. da

Resumo: The municipality of Paragominas is considered a model among the municipalities of the "Legal Amazon", being the inspiration for the program "Municipios verdes", because it was through him and other public policies that the municipality managed to leave the list of municipalities that more Deforested and has been showing an expansion of reforestation practice. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of land use and occupation in the municipality of Paragominas, from 2008 to 2014, with emphasis on reforested areas in the municipality, using maps with land use and land cover data derived from remote sensing and Geoprocessing. The results indicated that although Paragominas faced an apparent consolidated situation in relation to the dynamics of land use, it continues to suffer a huge loss of forest resources. However, this municipality also showed a high conversion of pasture fields to agriculture, forest plantations or regrowth areas. Despite being a region apparently consolidated in terms of space exploration, Paragominas continues to suffer a great loss of forest resources, which can be seen in the gradual increase of the areas of use, the changes in the areas destined to reforestation projects came from the increase of the planted areas And the diversity of plant species.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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