Fitting Brazilian livestock production to changes in natural and political environments.

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Autoria: BARIONI, L. G.; SILVA, R. de O.; FASIABEN, M. do C. R.; MEDEIROS, S. R. de

Resumo: Cattle production is the human activity with largest land use. Rises in demand for cattle products and steady or lower grasslands availability are projected, impelling high rates of productivity gain. However, greater pasture production seasonality in the main producing regions will challenge exclusive pasture-fed production in Brazil. Recovery of degraded pastureland, increasing feed supplementation and feedlots, and integration of livestock production with annual crops, forestry and ethanol agroindustry are promising strategies sustainable intensification under climate change. Digital transformation empowers society to influence public policies and products chains, rapidly changing production constraints and increasing demand for information from production systems. In this context, reducing vulnerability in the international market will demand national institutions and research teams to take part on international initiatives to produce new metrics, models, methods and analysis, which have the potential to affect the cattle industry. Lack of digital literacy of smallholder farmers in remote areas is also seen as an vulnerability, because of their reduced capacity to respond to this new connected environment.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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