Simultaneous analysis of sugars and organic acids in wine and grape juices by HPLC: Method validation and characterization of products from northeast Brazil.

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Autoria: COELHO, E. M.; PADILHA, C. V. da S.; MISKINIS, G. A.; SÁ, A. G. B. de; PEREIRA, G. E.; AZEVEDO, L. C. de; LIMA, M. dos S.

Resumo: Organic acids and sugars are related to the chemical balance of wines and grape juices, besides exerting a strong influence on the taste balance and sensorial acceptance by consumers. The aim of this study was to validate a method for the simultaneous determination of sugars and organic acids in wines and grape juices by highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with refractive index detection (RID) and diode array detection (DAD) and to characterize commercial products from northeast Brazil. The method provided values for linearity (R > 0.9982), precision (CV% < 1.4), recovery (76–106%) and limits of detection (0.003–0.044 g L?1 ) and quantification (0.008–0.199 g L?1 ) which are considered acceptable for application in the characterization of these types of matrices. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to verify the applicability of the method in the quality control of the products and resulted in the correct separation of the samples according to their type of processing. The results obtained in the characterization of the samples studied showed high levels of glucose and fructose in grape juice and the organic acids content was similar to those found in products originating from other regions around the world. Keywords: Food analysis, Food composition, Vitis labrusca L, Beverage analysis, Wine, Grape juice, Sparkling wine, Sugars, Organic acids

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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