Silvopastoral systems in the cold zone of Brazil.

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Resumo: The cold zone of Brazil occupies approximately 6 % of the national territory and is located between latitudes 24° S and 33° S. In this area, extensive cattle and sheep farming systems and conventional cropping and forestry are predominant. With the end of government subsidies by the decade of 1980s, an increase in farming production costs, a decrease of native forest covering, an increase of degraded areas in agriculture and livestock farming systems and a mismatch between timber national supply and demand after 1990s, an opportunity arises for integrate forestry with livestock and agriculture activities in Brazil, particularly in the southern. This chapter initially reports key events over the last three decades that have supported the increasing interest of farmers and enterprises on agroforestry activities, with focus on silvopastoral systems in the cold area of Brazil. Then, relevant advances on silvopastoral systems from research and extension services were reported, highlighting the screening of shaded adapted forage plants and management, trees species screening for silvipastoral systems and animal performance and behaviour under trees. Finally, the chapter analyses the existent opportunities to increase silvopastoral areas in southern Brazil and future challenges for research, development and technology transfer.

Ano de publicação: 2016


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