Chemical composition of essential oil of leaves from Lippia schaueriana Mart. collected in the Caatinga area.

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Autoria: SOUZA, A. V. de; SANTOS, U. S. dos; CARVALHO, J. R. de S.; BARBOSA, B. D. R.; CANUTO, K. M.; RODRIGUES, T. H. S.

Resumo: Lippia schaueriana Mart. (Verbenaceae) is an endemic species of Caatinga with a restricted distribution to the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, which presents itself as a potential source of raw material for extraction of essential oil and exploitation by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Considering that there are no reports in the literature of research carried out with this species, this paper aimed to establish?for the first time?the chemical composition of its essential oil. The essential oil of the dry leaves at room temperature was obtained by hydrodistillation after 3 h of extraction and the phytochemical analyzes were done by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The main compounds found in the oil of leaves were piperitone oxide (51.25%), caryophyllene (17.76%), limonene (8.06%), spathulenol (6.63%), and piperitone (2.90%). The piperitone oxide is a compound described in the literature that shows antinociceptive, cardiovascular, analgesic, and relaxing activities, as well as fungicidal and insecticidal effect, which gives it an interesting potential for the alternative control of agricultural pests.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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