Influence of genotype versus environment interaction on improving upland cotton yield.

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Autoria: RODIGUES, J. I. da S.; CARVALHO, L. P. de; FARIAS, F. J. C.

Resumo: Considering the importance of the genotype versus environment interaction (GE) effects during the genetic breeding process, this work aimed to (1) evaluate the influence of GE interaction on gain from selection in seed cotton yield among seven sites in Mato Grosso; and (2) indicate sites of the experimental network for selection in initial and final phases of the breeding programs. We used productivity data from 16 genotypes evaluated in Primavera do Leste/PL (PLI and PLII), Pedra Preta/PP, Campo Verde/CV, Sapezal/SZ, Campo Novo dos Parecis/CNP, and Nova Ubiratã/NU and conducted analyses of variance, decomposition of the mean square of GE interaction (MSGEjj’), correlation between locals and gain prediction by direct and indirect selection and based on the overall mean and statistics Pi. The most similar sites are SZ-PLII, PLI-PLII and SZ-NU, while the most discrepant sites are CV-NU and PP-CV. SZ is the site with most GE interaction, and selection in PLII is the one that maximizes the gains in other sites. PLII is the most indicated local for selection in initial phases of breeding and the combination of PP, CNP and PLII is indicated for preliminary lineage trials. The forms of selection based on the overall mean and statistics Pi are indicated for final lineage trials.

Ano de publicação: 2017

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Algodão


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