Characterization of Nanospheres containing Zanthoxylum riedelianum fruit essential oil and their insecticidal and deterrent activities against Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).

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Autoria: PEREIRA, K. de C.; QUINTELA, E. D.; SILVA, D. J. da; NASCIMENTO, V. A. do; ROCHA, D. V. M. da; SILVA, J. F. A. e; FORIM, M. R.; SILVA, F. G.; CAZAL, C. de M.

Resumo: The aim of our study was to produce and characterize poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) nanospheres containing essential oils from Zanthoxylum riedelianum fruit and to evaluate their stability gains as well as their insecticidal and deterrent activities against whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). The PCL nanospheres exhibited a homogeneous spherical morphology, with particle diameters between 106.7 nm and 129.2 nm, pH of approximately 6, zeta potential (ZP) lower than -19.0 mV and encapsulation efficiency higher than 98%. Only 43% of the nanoencapsulated essential oil (NSEO) was degraded in response to ultraviolet light, whereas the essential oil (EO) degraded by 76% over the same period. In a free-choice test, the NSEO and EO reduced the number of whitefly eggs by approximately 70%. NSEO and EO at 1.5% killed 82.87% and 91.23% of 2nd-instar nymphs of whitefly, respectively. Although NSEO displayed lower insecticidal activity, it offers a greater advantage over the free EO, due to protection conferred by polymer against photodegradation. Therefore, its usage may optimize the maintenance of essential oils in the field through photoprotection and controlled release. Our results suggest that the EO of Z. riedelianum fruit can be used for B. tabaci management strategy; nevertheless, the benefits of NSEO require further evaluation at the field level.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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