The effect of marketing imperfection variables on production in the context of brazilian agriculture.

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Autoria: SOUZA, G. da S. e; GOMES, E. G.

Resumo: In the context of the Brazilian agriculture it is of importance for policy maker s the assessment of the effect on production of variables related to market imperfections. Market imperfection or asymmetry occurs when farmers are subjected to different market conditions depending on their size or their importance on overall state production. Relatively large rich farmers obtain lower input prices and may sell their production at lower prices making competition harder for small farmers. Market imperfections are typically associated with infrastructure, environment control requirements and the presence of technical assistance. In this article, at county level and using agricultural census data, we estimate the elasticities of these variables on production by maximum likelihood methods. We show that all these variables affect production sign ificantly. Technological inputs dominate the production response, followed by labor and land. Environment control has a positive effect on production, as well as technical assistance. The logistics of production mostly affects technical efficiency. The proportion of forested areas has a negative elasticity. We also test technical assistance for endogeneity.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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