Physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of beef burgers with added tannin and tannin-free whole sorghum flours as isolated soy protein replacer.

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Autoria: PRADO, M. E. A. do; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; CORREIA, V. T. da V.; NEVES, E. O.; RONCHETI, E. F. S.; GONÇALVES, A. C. A.; MENEZES, C. B. de; OLIVEIRA, F. C. E. de

Resumo: The physicochemical and sensorial characterization of beef burgers with added sorghum flours as replacer for the isolated soy protein (ISP) usually used in the conventional formulations was performed. Three formulations were prepared: one conventional (CN) with 3% ISP and two with 3% tannin (BRS 305) and tannin-free (BR 501) whole sorghum flour (WSF) of BRS 305 and BR 501 genotypes. There was no difference among the formulations for most of the physicochemical characteristics. The moisture retention was higher in BRS 305 (P < .05). The added WSF influenced the color of the raw beef burger; and the proximate composition and the antioxidant characteristics of the raw and cooked formulations (P < .05). The purchase intention and flavor, texture and overallacceptabilityscoreswerehigherforthesorghumproductsthanCN(P < .05).Therefore,thereplacingof ISP by WSF in beef burger, especially by the BRS 305 genotype, might be a technologically, nutritionally and sensorially viable option.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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