Simultaneous selection for yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability in immature cowpea using REML/BLUP.

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Autoria: SOUSA, T. de J. F. de; ROCHA, M. de M.; SILVA, K. J. D. e; BERTINI, C. H. C. de M.; SILVEIRA, L. M. da; SOUSA, R. R. de; SOUSA, J. L. M.

Resumo: The objective of this work was to select cowpea genotypes simultaneously for high yield of immature grains, adaptability, and genotypic stability, taking into account genotype x environment interactions. The mixed models restricted maximum likelihood (REML)/best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) were used. Sixteen cowpea genotypes were evaluated in nine environments, consisting of a combination of location (Pentecoste in the state of Ceará, Acaraú in Ceará, Teresina in Piauí, and Mossoró in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) and year (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017). In all trials, a randomized complete block design with four replicates was used. Significant differences were observed for effects of genotypes and the genotype x environment interaction. Environmental variance was the largest component of phenotypic variance, followed by the genotype x environment interaction and genotypic variances. The immature grain yield of the evaluated cowpea genotypes interacts strongly with the studied environments, resulting in a low genotypic correlation between environments. The MNC00-595F-27, MNC05- 847B-123, and BRS Tumucumaque cowpea genotypes present high yield of immature grains, adaptability, and genotypic stability, being the most suitable for cultivation in the states of Ceará, Piauí, and Rio Grande do Norte or in other environments with similar soil and climatic conditions.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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