Analysis of the process of technology transfer in public research institutions: the Embrapa Agrobiology case.

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Autoria: SILVA, S. S. da; FELDMANN, P. R.; SPERS, R. G.; BAMBINI, M. D.

Resumo: This article contributes to new insights about the process of technology transfer, including knowledge exchange, which is an innovative element in this process. Although this study was applied to the agricultural sector, its results can be used to improve the TT process in different sectors. The article discusses how different players can work together to achieve more effective results in TT, including the government, through research institutions such as Embrapa, and the various farmers and agents. The contributions of this article also highlight the importance of the involvement of farmers in the TT process to ensure its effectiveness.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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