A prototype of dextran content record system in sugar and alcohol production using blockchain technology.

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Autoria: YANO, I. H.; CASTRO, A. de; GONZALES, L. E.; CANÇADO, G. M. de A.; SILVA, F. C. da

Resumo: ABSTRACT. Dextran is a polysaccharide produced by bacteria of the genus Leuconostoc spp, which causes loss of sucrose and raises sugar and alcohol manufacturing costs, as well as reducing its quality. Therefore, it is important to control the proliferation of this bacterium, both in the sugarcane field and in agroindustry. In the field should be observed, the length of stay between cutting and transport to industry, the presence of impurities, among other factors. In industry, long storage periods should be avoided, as well as taking care of cleaning and asepsis of the mills and broth treatment tanks. The objective of this work is to record dextran content using blockchain technology because it is a distributed database suitable for applications such as this, which will track the dextran content from the sugarcane field to the production of sugar and alcohol in the industry. A blockchain database is very secure against tampering, which is another advantage of this solution.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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