Relationship between bioactive compounds and sensory properties of dark chocolate produced from Brazilian hybrid cocoa.

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Resumo: This work evaluated the influence of bioactive compounds on the sensory profile and acceptability of dark chocolate produced from Brazilian hybrid cocoa. The results showed that higher contents of catechin, epicatechin, caffeine, total phenolic compounds and flavonoids contributed to higher intensity of bitterness, cocoa flavour, acid taste, and astringency, and negatively affected the acceptance of chocolate samples from the TSH1188, PH16, and CEPEC2002 varieties. Other varieties SR162 and BN34 showed lower contents of caffeine and phenolic compounds, and higher concentration of theobromine, revealed notes of sweet/caramel and fruity flavour, presented a higher acceptance. This research showed the great potential of the ?Catongo? (SR162) and BN34 hybrids from southern Bahia (Brazil) for the production of fine cocoa. The chemical and sensory evaluations may be a strategic tool to help cocoa producers in deciding which genetic varieties should be marketed as fine cocoa, adding value to the product and highlighting promising cocoa varieties.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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