Environmental realities and sustainable consumption.

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Autoria: PALHARES, J. C. P.; PRADO, R. B.; ARAUJO, G. P. de

Resumo: In the history of mankind, economic activities have never withstood so much environmental, social, and economic pressure as in present days. This pressure has demanded changes in the structures of natural and human resources management, technology standards, business approaches, and social values in light of economic and environmental aspects. According to scientists, we are living in the Anthropocene era, in which humans become the most important geological power to influence the planet. Through economic activities, humans have moved more sediments than all the rivers in the world, the planet has warmed, the sea level has risen, the ozone layer has been degraded, and the oceans have been acidified (Monastersky, 2015). Birkmann (2000) points out that one must acknowledge that the economy is a subsystem of society, as society is a subsystem of the ecosystem. The subsystems cannot outgrow the general system without damaging it.

Ano de publicação: 2020


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