Control of contaminants in the in vitro establishment of Guadua latifolia.

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Resumo: The Amazonian bamboo forests are located in an important region of high biodiversity in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, forming the largest native bamboo forest reserve in the world. However, the bamboos from these forests have characteristics that hinder their propagation. This study aimed to evaluate the biocide action of a plant preservative mixture for controling contaminants, during the in vitro establishment of Guadua latifolia (Bonpl.) Kunth, a species native to the region. Nodal segments were cultured in a semi-solid medium containing Plant Preservative Mixture (PPMTM), at the concentrations of 0; 1; 2; and 3 mL L-1, and supplemented with 2 mg L-1 of 6-benzylaminopurine. The analyzed variables were number of shoots, percentage of bacterial and fungal contamination, and shoot survival. The treatments with the synthetic biocide were efficient in controlling the in vitro contamination caused by bacteria and fungi (Fusarium sp.), also presenting the highest survival rate of regenerated shoots. For the in vitro establishment of this native bamboo species, the use of 2 mL L-1 of PPMTM is recommended.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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