Estimation of greenhouse gas abatement potential for the sugar-energy sector.

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Autoria: PICOLI, J. F.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; SEABRA, J. E. A.

Resumo: Abstract: In 2017, Brazil established the National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio), a state program that aims to boost the production and use of biofuels in the country in more sustainable standards, through efficiency gains and reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in productive processes. In this scenario, Brazil has a great potential for abatement of GHG emissions related to the use of sugarcane, both through cogeneration of electricity and through the production of ethanol. However, from the sectoral point of view, it is also necessary to recognize the existence of mitigation opportunities in the sugarcane industry itself, which would allow increasing, even more, the environmental appeal of its products. The objective of this article was to estimate the GHG abatement potential for the Brazilian sugarcane industry, through RenovaCalc, generating the carbon intensity index of the biofuel (in g CO2eq MJ-1). The analysis contemplates measures related to the agricultural, industrial and transportation segments. The abatement potential of each measure was determined by quantifying its effect on net mitigation capacity relative to a baseline scenario for the sugar-energy sector, taking into account the respective environmental performances throughout the life cycle. Cumulative improvements in all segments promoted reductions in carbon intensity, decreasing GHG emissions in about 11.6 gCO2eq MJ-1 when compared to baseline scenarios. The results of this work could help policymakers and decision makers associated with the sugar-energy sector to identify the main opportunities for GHG emission mitigation.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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