Soil CO2 emission in 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass pasture fertilized with liquid pig slurry.

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Autoria: BRANDÃO, A. A.; COUTO, E. G.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; WEBER, O. L. dos S.; PINTO JÚNIOR, O. B.

Resumo: The application of liquid pig slurry (LPS) to pastures offers potential as a fertilizer but could have a direct influence on soil CO2 emissions. This study evaluated soil carbon dioxide emissions after successive LPS applications to soils under pasture cultivation. The experiment was carried out on 'Tifton-85' bermudagrass pasture cultivated in a red-yellow oxisol soil in the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Brazil. Two treatments were evaluated: the control and an application of 20 m3 ha-1 of LPS after each cut of the pasture. The CO2 emissions from the soil were determined using a high-precision infrared gas analyzer. Soil temperature and soil moisture were determined as were micrometeorological variables. The application of LPS had a significant effect on soil C-CO2 flow. The average flow of C-CO2 from the soil for the control treatment and with the application of LPS was 0.236 g C-CO2 m-2 h-1 and 0.291 g C-CO2 m-2 h-1, respectively. The application of LPS increased the accumulated CO2 emissions from the soil by 23.2%. Soil temperature and moisture are the main factors regulating the process of soil CO2 emission. These factors therefore need to be considered when evaluating the impact of LPS application on greenhouse gas emissions.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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