Potential tradeoffs between ecosystem services related to food production in the brazilian chaco.

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Autoria: AUGUSTO, M. R. L.; PRADO, R. B.; RODRIGUEZ, D. A.; MONTEIRO, J. M. G.; FIDALGO, E. C. C.; DART, R. de O.

Resumo: The impacts of human interference in the use and management of land, arouses the need to assess them, in order to bring out the importance of ecosystem services provided by the environment to support life and human well-being. Thus, the general objective of this study was to analyze possible tradeoffs in services (ES) related to agricultural production in Porto Murtinho, MS, which is part of the Brazilian Chaco. The Brazilian Chaco is a cradle of fauna and flora biodiversity, being considered the second largest forest area on the American continent and the largest dry tropical forest in South America, hence the importance of conducting studies in this area. The methodology consisted of three stages, starting with the classification of the ES and collecting secondary data, followed by the systematization and processing of the data, reaching the third and final step in which the possible tradeoffs of the ES were analyzed. The ES studied were: Maintaining populations and habitats in nurseries, Animals raised for nutritional purposes and Terrestrial plants cultivated for nutritional purposes (CICES classification). Secondary data on forest from MapBiomas and stocking rate of cattle and agricultural productivity (PPM/PAM-IBGE) were used. This work aimed to alert decision makers to possible tradeoffs that are taking place in the Brazilian Chaco region, as the data point to a reduction in the area of natural forests and a significant increase in agricultural production indicators.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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