Eucalyptus development and carbon sequestration in anintegrated production system in São Domingos do Araguaia, PA.

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Resumo: Among the benefits of the Integrated Production System - ICLF is the reduction of CO2 emission into the atmosphere and the consequent mitigation of climate change. This study aimed to evaluate the eucalyptus growth and estimate its carbon sequestration in a crop-livestock-forest integration system located in the southeastern region of Pará. The data were collected at Fazenda Cristalina, in the municipality of São Domingos do Araguaia, PA. In order to assess the growth and carbon stock of the forest species, annual measurements were taken up to 60 months of age in 10 plots measuring 524 m², the first of which was at six months old. The volume of 74.52 m³ ha-1 was observed with an estimated carbon stock of 15.98 Mg of C ha-1 and 58.58 Mg of CO2 eq ha-1 being sequestered from the atmosphere, thus providing a potential to neutralize methane emission of 6.23 AU ha-1 year-1.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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