Effect of short-term fasting and re-feeding on growth performance of larvae and juveniles Pyrrhulina brevis, an amazon ornamental fish.

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Autoria: ABE, H. A.; REIS, R. G. A.; PAIXAO, P. E. G.; FUJIMOTO, R. Y.

Resumo: This study evaluated short cycles of feed deprivation on the growth performance and survival of larvae and juveniles of the ornamental fish Pyrrhulina brevis. The first experiment used larvae fed with artemia nauplii in a completely randomized design arranged in factorial (2 × 5) distributed in two feeding frequencies (two or four meals a day), five feeding deprivation protocols (7/0: seven days of continuous feeding [DCF] and no feed deprivation; 6/1: six DCF and one day of feed deprivation; 5/2: five DCF and two days of feed deprivation; 4/3: four DCF and three days of feed deprivation; Alt: alternated feeding days), and five replicates. The second experiment used juveniles arranged in a completely randomized design with five treatments (same treatments from previous experiment) and five replicates feeding commercial ration. For larviculture, the feeding deprivation resulted in the worst larvae development rate and survival. The use of feeding deprivation is not recommended for larvae because it is dependent on exogenous feed daily. For juveniles, one day of feeding deprivation a week provided lower ration consumption without negative effects on fish development.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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