Sgrmate: for maximizing genetic gain and controlling inbreeding.

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Autoria: LOBO, R. N. B.

Resumo: Genetic evaluations in animal breeding are essential for identifying superior individuals, who can be selected to compose the next generation. The indication of sires and dams of proven genetic value improves the efficiency of production systems. On the other hand, the use of few animals in the selection process can increase the inbreeding of the herds, which can reduce the animals’ vigor and reduce future genetic variability. Additionally, with the availability of genetic value from several animals, the decision of how to combine these parents for the possibility of greater genetic gain is not such a simple task. Imagine having to combine 20 sires with 300 dams, who should be mated with whom? The availability of a tool to carry out this work has a great impact, as it reduces time for decision and adds greater prediction of success to the process. The SGRMate was developed for this purpose, to help producers, breeders and scientists in the design of matings that maximize genetic gain and minimize the impacts of inbreeding on the herds under their supervision. This “Série Embrapa – Documentos” presents a practical guide for the correct use of the SGRMate software.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos


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