Cover crops and green manuring for agricultural adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the Cerrado.

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Autoria: MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.; FERREIRA, A. C. de B.; MADARI, B. E.; BORIN, A. L. D. C.; SILVA, M. A. S. da; CARVALHO, M. T. de M.

Resumo: This scientific research aimed at identifying the best cover crops for surface mulching to favour soil carbon sequestration, pest control or nutrient cycling and the best manure crops for the supply of nitrogen to the cultivated plant (cotton, soy) in the Cerrado biome. Farmers, consultants, technical assistance and academics benefit from this information. Cover crops are usually grasses (eg. Braquiaria ruziziensis) used in crop rotation aiming at the formation of straw, essential for the maintenance of the Direct Tillage System or Crop Livestock Forest Integration (ICLF), fulfilling its role in helping crops adapt to the adverse impacts of the climate, especially high temperatures that have been worsening in the last years.

Ano de publicação: 2021


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