Perceptions and willingness of Brazilian Federal District farmers regarding payment for use of water resource.

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Resumo: Abstract: Although it has already started in some states, charging for the use of water resources is not yet widespread in Brazil. The aim of this research was to know the perceptions and willingness of farmers in relation to payment for the use of water resources, to make it feasible to collect this fee, introduced by Law No. 9,433, of 1997?Brazilian National Policy of Water Resources (PNRH). In this context, we sought to obtain this knowledge through qualitative research and a semi-structured survey applied to 37 farmers from five hydrographic basins in the Brazilian Federal District. The results, using Iramuteq software, showed the lack of motivation to pay for use of water resources, but also made it clear that the negative situational motivation can be modified if the State intervenes to meet both demands for information and questions raised, in order to bring their motivations, attitudes and sustainable behaviors to light.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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