Rede ILPF association actions.

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Autoria: HERRMANN, P.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.

Resumo: Brazilian agriculture has been developing a lot in the last 40 years. Science has evolved, rural producers have also evolved and the emergence of new ways of producing sustainable agriculture gains prominence. In this context, the Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration has been gaining prominence for the increase of productivity taking into account the aspects of sustainable development, at the same time that it solves the problem of degraded pastures in Brazil. The Rede ILPF Association is a public-private partnership, formed by Embrapa, Bradesco, Ceptis, Cocamar, John Deere, SOESP and Syngenta. Its main mission is to promote the adoption of the Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration technology for the benefit of society. The Rede ILPF is a Think Tank that works for the sustainable development of agriculture, starting from the promotion of research projects and technology transfer, training of technicians, alignment of the private sector to the demands of producers, certification of properties, and development of financial mechanisms. With these activities, the Rede ILPF aims to subsidize the elaboration of public policies and international negotiations, promote the opening of new differentiated markets and disseminate good production practices to consumers.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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