Sertanejo biodigestor: a social technology, an alternative source of energy.

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Autoria: SOUZA, R. A. de; LYRA, M. R. C. C.; CARVALHO, R. M. C. M. de O.; ARAUJO FILHO, J. C. de

Resumo: The use of biogas as an alternative to using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking food in the context of family farming is something recent and has ample room for growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of the Sertanejo biodigester by farming families as a social technology for cooking gas production, as well as an alternative energy source. It also aimed to identify elements which contribute to disseminating this technology as an alternative to the use of firewood, charcoal and LPG. Quali-quantitative approaches were used following the exploratory method, with interviews and non-probabilistic sampling. A population with 132 units of biodigesters in the Agreste mesoregion of the State of Pernambuco was considered, with 83 interviews being collected. The results indicated that the Sertanejo biodigester social technology provides an increase in the income of farming families, avoids the use of firewood and charcoal for cooking food and produces biofertilizer for crops. They also showed that its non-continuous use or deactivation is related to a lack of raw material and the need for maintenance. Given this scenario, its implementation must consider the availability of a raw material source in the production unit and the potential for biogas production from the existing herd and consumption demand. It is recommended to strengthen arguments of economic and environmental impact for low-income families to disseminate this technology; to encourage the use of biogas associated with other activities in the production system; and to incorporate biodigestor social technology in rural credit financing lines.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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