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Resumo: PRESENTATION AND EDITORIAL COMMENTS : Sustainable alternatives that promote economic circularity through the use of agroindustrial residues is a strategic challenge for companies to remain competitive and to generate new business models. The Brazilian Society of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Waste Management (Sbera) is the result of reflection, pioneering spirit and citizen commitment of professionals who intend to contribute to the evolution of the environmental condition of two large complexes of extreme social, economic and cultural importance for Brazilian agriculture and the agro-industrial sector. Found in 2008, Sbera promotes the International Symposium on Agricultural and Agro-industrial Waste Management (SIGERA) with the objective of fostering scientific debate and presenting technological alternatives to waste from the agro-industrial chain. The VII SIGERA, held online from 3 to 5 November 2021, was addressed the developments resulting from the Climate Conference (COP26) as the agreements made by 130 countries to cut methane emissions by 30% by the year 2030, demonstrating opportunities for biotechnology based industries for waste-to-energy use combined with the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. During the debates, the importance of technological alternatives based on bioprocesses to amplify aspects related to economic circularity and enable environmental, social and corporate governance were also established. The VII edition of symposium athered 460 subscriptions, including 372 paper authors and 150 attendant, including academic professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students from several Brazilian universities and research centers, as well as specialist professionals from Argentina, Chlie, Colombia, Germany, Mozambique, Spain, USA and Uruguay. In this edition, 120 abstracts were received. Of these, 114 are presented in this proceedings, grouped by 7 topics: - Technologies for waste transformation, reuse and disposal - By-products application for agricultural, forestry and livestock use - Environmental impacts to the air, soil, water and plant system - Waste to energy - Refractory and persistent substances - One health and food safety - Cases

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Livros


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