Radar Agtech Brasil 2020/2021: map of the Brazilian startups of the agricultural sector.

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Autoria: DIAS, C. N.; GONÇALVES, M. T. L. V.; SAKUDA, L. O.; SOUZA, S. S. de; JARDIM, F. I. R.

Resumo: Brazil leads the way in terms of digitalization in agriculture, and, according to studies conducted by McKinsey, in 2019, the Brazilian agriculturists were, in average, the heaviest users of digital media for their transactions. During the covid-19 pandemic, in 2020, Brazil has grown 10 percentage points, moving from 36% to 46% of agriculturists who use some digital media, surpassing American and European producers who presented a usage rate of 31% and 22%, respectively. The growth of digitalization in agriculture places our country in a distinguished position that can facilitate competitiveness and the future of the agriculture and livestock industry, bringing new tools and approaches to the diversity of Brazilian agriculture and food systems, which have growing demands regarding sustainability and food safety. In this context, new technologies, such as robotics, gene editing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotechnology, synthetic protein, cellular agriculture and machine learning bring the future agriculture into our current days, opening a vast market for technology-based companies.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Livros


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