The relationship between drone speed and the number of flights in RFID tag reading for plant inventory.

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Resumo: Abstract:Accurate inventory allows for more precise forecasting, including profit projections, easiermonitoring, shorter outages, and fewer delivery interruptions. Moreover, the long hours of physicallabor involved over such a broad area and the effect of inefficiencies could lead to less accurateinventory. Unreliable data and predictions, unannounced stoppages in operations, production delaysand delivery, and a considerable loss of profit can all arise from inaccurate inventory. This paperextends our previous work with drones and RFID by evaluating: the number of flights needed toread all tags deployed in the field, the number of scans per pass, and the optimum drone speed forreading tags. The drone flight plan was divided into eight passes from southwest to northwest andback at a horizontal speed of 2.2, 1.7, and 1.1 m per second (m/s) at a vertically fixed altitude. Theresults showed that speed did not affect the number of new tags scanned (p-value > 0.05). Resultsshowed that 90% of the tags were scanned in less than four trips (eight passes) at 1.7 m/s. Based onthese results, the system can be used for large-scale nursery inventory and other industries that useRFID tags in outdoor environments. We presented two novel measurements on evaluating RFIDreader efficiency by measuring how fast the reader can read and the shortest distance traveled by theRFID reader over tag.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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