Piling secondary subtropical forest residue: long-term impacts on soil, trees, and weeds.

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Autoria: ZUCON, A. R. S.; PEDREIRA, G. Q.; MOTTA, A. C. V.; GOTZ, L. F.; MAEDA, S.; BASSACO, M. V. M.; MAGRI, E.; PRIOR, S. A.; SOUZA, L. C. de P.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, J. C. de

Resumo: Abstract. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of piling secondary forest residue (after 3 decades) on soil chemical properties, growth, and nutrition of Pinus taeda and weeds at three locations. After secondary forest removal and residue piling, areas were cultivated with P. taeda (22 years), followed by eucalyptus (7 years), and returned to P. taeda. At 2 years of age, tree height and needle-nutrient levels of ongoing P. taeda from areas influenced by residue piling and areas outside the piling zone were evaluated. Biomass and nutrient levels of herbaceous and shrub weeds, NDVI indices (via a drone), and soil chemistry were also evaluated. Residue-piled areas displayed a decrease in soil pH and an increase in available soil P and K. Although herbaceous and shrub-weed biomass increased 2.5 to 10 times in residue-piling areas, this did not compromise pine growth. While residue piling had little impact on the nutritional status of pine and weeds, NDVI values indicated greater plant growth in piling areas. In general, the long-term effect of residue piling was an important factor associated with the large variation in tree growth and weed incidence after 3 decades.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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