Bacteriological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics of collared peccary sausages (Pecari tajacu) with added dietary fibers.

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Autoria: MORAIS, B. H. dos S.; LIMA, A. J. M. de; ALBUQUERQUE, N. I. de; CHISTÉ, R. C.; GUIMARÃES, D. A. de A.

Resumo: Collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) is a wild animal, which the meat presents high levels of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids that enable the development of innovative healthier food products. In this study, fresh sausages of collared peccary meat were developed with claimed functional appeal due to the addition of dietary fibers. The fresh sausages were prepared using a standard formulation (SF) without the addition of dietary fibers, and four other formulations containing oat (OF), wheat (WF), cassava (CF), and a mixture of the three fibers (OWCF). Both the collared peccary meats and the sausages were in accordance with the bacteriological limits established by the Brazilian law. The palette and ham meat presented around 6.7-7.0% of total lipids and 20.96% of total proteins, while in the sausages these values varied from 19.7-24.1% of total lipids and ?15.5% of total proteins. SF and OWCF sausages were the most accepted among consumers, with acceptance index of 87% for both sausages, and purchase intention above 4 (scale from 1 to 5). Therefore, the use of collared peccary meat, to prepare fresh sausages with dietary fiber addition, can be seen as a promising innovative alternative to provide a healthier protein-containing food with pleasing sensory characteristics.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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