Volumetric space distribution of wood as a tool in sustainable forest.

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Autoria: PINHEIRO, K. A. O.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A.; RUSCHEL, A. R.; PITA, J. D.; SANTOS, G. C.; SILVA, F. L. da; FRAZÃO, A. da S.; CARNEIRO, F. da S.; SOUZA, M. F. S. de

Resumo: The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution of forest volume identified through interpolation maps from data obtained from the forest. We sampled 36 plots with 1-ha area. Special maps were used by means of interpolation adjusted by the Spline method. The results indicate that after 20 years of traditional exploration, no significant oscillations were identified for volumes. However, the area explored showed a significant recovery in the total volume in this period. In addition, it showed the appearance of new species that contributed to the increase of biodiversity. This influenced the growth rates of the trees, the establishment of natural regeneration, the growth of seedlings and sticks. These will replace the losses occurring during the exploration and the increase in carbon sequestration. It should be emphasized that this method proved to be efficient in determining points of greater volumetric distribution and consequent forest recovery

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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