Influence of hulling and storage conditions on maintaining coffee quality.

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Autoria: ABREU, G. F.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; COELHO, S. V. B.; PEREIRA, C. C.; MALTA, M. R.; FANTAZZINI, T. B.; VILELA, A. L.

Resumo: Storage is important in the coffee post-harvest. Determining the maximum period that coffee can remain storaged is important aiming to reduce losses in quality and, consequently, allow the producer to achieve maximum profitability. The aim was to determine the suitable storage period for natural and fully washed coffees, under different conditions. Beans were dried to 11% moisture content after dry processing (natural coffee, dry cherry coffee) and wet processing (parchment coffee, fully washed). Before storage, part of the coffee was hulled and part was not. The coffee was stored under refrigerated air (10ºC and 50% relative humidity) or in an environment at 25ºC. In the periods of 0, 3, 6, and 12 months, samples were taken for sensory, electrical conductivity and tetrazolium evaluation. Refrigerated environment favors conservation of sensory and physiological quality of the natural hulled coffee beans and fully washed coffee. Hulled beans of natural and fully washed coffee stored under refrigerated conditions have the initial quality conserved for up to 12 months and in non-controlled environmental, for up to 3 months. Mechanical damage caused by hulling, associated with the lack of tissue fruit parts, contributes to reduction hulled coffee quality in storage, regardless of the processing.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Café


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