Erinnyis ello granulovirus for cassava hornworm control in the Acre State of Brazil.

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Autoria: SIHLER, W.; SANCHES, M. M.; FAZOLIN, M.; ESTRELA, J. L. V.; SOUZA, M. L. de

Resumo: The hornworm (Erinnyis ello) is an important pest of cassava and rubber tree with high capacity of migration and can be controlled with biological control agents such as baculoviruses. Baculoviruses are rod-shaped enveloped viruses with circular double-stranded DNA genomes infecting insects of the order Lepidoptera. Prior to large-scale use of certain baculovirus, it is essential to assess its genetic and morphological information. This work aimed to characterize the baculovirus isolate occurring in Erinnyis ello populations at small farms in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre State, Brazil and to develop parameters for field management using this isolate. Viral particles were purified from infected larvae through ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradient. After treatment and negative staining with uranyl acetate 2%, viral particles were visualized using transmission electron microscope. The virus with ovicylindrical occlusion body presenting only one virion per envelope and size less than 0.5 µm was identified as a member of the genus Betabaculovirus. Viral DNA was extracted through phenol/chloroform cycles, digested with different restriction enzymes and separated with agarose gel electrophoresis. The restriction enzyme patterns obtained with the enzymes Bam HI and Hind III revealed seven and three DNA fragments, respectively; cleavage with Pst I, generated eight molar fragments and three submolar fragments and Eco RI digestion resulted in 21 fragments, with some submolar bands. Comparison of the DNA restriction pattern from ErelGV isolated in Acre with that described for ErelGV isolated from SC State showed high similarity. This isolate named as ErelGV-Acre presented potential for control of E. ello populations.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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