CYP24A1 and TRPC3 gene expression in kidneys and their involvement in calcium and phosphate metabolism in laying hens.

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Resumo: Ca and P homeostasis across the egg-laying cycle is a complex process involving absorption in the small intestine, reabsorption/excretion in the kidneys, and eggshell gland secretion. Diets with inadequate calcium and phosphorus can interfere with their absorption and digestibility, resulting in eggshell quality losses and reduced productive life, affecting egg production and welfare. A better understanding of gene expression profiles in the kidneys of laying hens during the late egg-laying period could clarify the renal role in mineral metabolism at this late stage. Therefore, the performance, egg quality and bone integrity-related traits, and expression profiles of kidney candidate genes were evaluated in 73-week-old laying hens receiving different Ca and P ratios in their diet: a high Ca/P ratio (HR, 22.43), a low ratio (LR, 6.71), and a medium ratio (MR, 11.43). The laying hens receiving the HR diet had improved egg production and eggshell quality traits compared to the other two groups. Humerus length was shorter in the HR than in the other groups. The CYP24A1 and TRPC3 genes were differentially expressed (p.adj ? 0.05) among the groups. Therefore, their expression profiles could be involved in calcium and phosphate transcellular transport in 73-week-old laying hens as a way to keep mineral absorption at adequate levels.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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