The use of data envelopment analysis in agriculture in the presence of interval data.

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Autoria: GOMES, E. G.; MANGABEIRA, J. A. de C.

Resumo: This paper uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models to measure the efficiency of some agricultural producers from the Holambra district (São Paulo - Brazil). The total area of each property is one of the variables of the model, presenting two possible values: the value declared by the producer and the value measured using IKONOS II satellite images. This variable presents uncertainty in its measurement and can be represented as interval data. The efficiency frontier is constructed considering the limits of uncertainty (interval limits), that is, the smallest and greatest possible values to be assumed for the imprecise variable. In this way, a region is constructed in relation to which the DMUs have a certain membership degree. The theoretical model, called interval DEA model, is presented, as well as its application to the case of the evaluation of the efficiency of the agricultural producers of Holambra.

Ano de publicação: 2004

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Palavras-chave: Data Envelopment Analysis


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