Genotypic evaluation of accessions and individual selection in Stylosanthes spp. by simulated BLUP method.

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Autoria: RESENDE, R. M. S.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; LAURA, V. A.; JANK, L.; VALLE, C. B. do

Resumo: ABSTRACT - Genetic improvement programs of perennial forage legumes in Brazil evaluate accessions in row plots without considering the genetic variability within accessions. Individual plant evaluations would not only allow for selection of the best accessions but also for the best individuals within accessions. This procedure is however more labor-intensive and expensive. The effectiveness of using the simulated individual BLUP selection method (BLUPIS) was assessed in a trial with Stylosanthes capitata and S. guianensis in a completely randomized block design with 35 accessions, six plants per plot and six and five replications, respectively. The method can be applied when only total plot yields are measured and provide selection at the individual plant level. Results showed a high correlation between selection by the traditional BLUP and the alternative BLUPIS methods. The latter is recommended for improving species in which individual plant evaluations are difficult.

Ano de publicação: 2006

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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