Monitoramento semidetalhado (escala de 1:250.000) de ocupação de solos do Cerrado: considerações e proposta metodológica.

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Autoria: SANO, E. E.; FERREIRA, L. G.

Resumo: ABSTRACT - The Brazilian Cerrado is the second richest biome in terms of biodiversity and the major agricultural frontier in Brazil. Its remaining vegetation is characterized by the presence of grass-, shrub- and forest dominated strata, occurring in varying proportion along its 208 million hectares. A significant portion of this biome is occupied by the cultivated and native pastures and agricultural areas with extensive production of soybean, maize and, more recently, cotton and coffee. Besides its importance in terms of biodiversity and food production, to date, there is no semidetailed land cover mapping of the Cerrado. In the first part of this study, we introduce a new proposal for the Cerrado´s land cover mapping in a 1:250,000 scale. Such proposal is based on the Landsat image interpretation as well as in a combined visual-digital analysis and support from ancillary MODIS and Agricultural Census data. Targets easier to interpret in a Landsat-like satellite images such as central-pivot or water reservoirs will be discriminated first and then subtracted from the scene. In the second part, we present some important findings obtained by the analysis of original and enhanced optical and microwave data for tropical savanna natural vegetation mapping. In this case, L-band radar data (wavelengths of 23 centimeter), synergism between radar and vegetation indices and the linear mixture models presented results rather promissing.

Ano de publicação: 2005

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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