Construção de indicadores de desenvolvimento social.

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Autoria: HAYES, K. M.; BARROS, C. J. da S.; SILVA, M. R. da; GASTAL, M. L.; RIBEIRO, J. F.

Resumo: ABSTRACT: The project "Conservation and Management of the Biodiversity of the Cerrado biome - CMBBC", chose as its regional study area, the geographical region of northeastern Goiás called Paranã-Pirineus. One of the initial tasks of this project was the socioeconomic characterization of the 34 cities and towns (municipalities) which comprise the Paranã-Pirineus regional study area. In order to compare these cities and towns and identify those most in need of assistance, four indices were constructed: a health development index, educational development index, sanitary development index and an economic development index, using data from the last Brazilian demographic census. These four indices were later combined to yield a socioeconomic development index, which was used to compare the cities and towns and to select those most in need of assistance. The present document describes how the above mentioned indices were constructed and used to choose the cities and towns where the activities of the CMBBC Project will be concentrated.

Ano de publicação: 2004

Tipo de publicação: Livros

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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