Pigeonpea selection and breeding.

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Autoria: GODOY, R.; SOUZA, F. H. D. de; SANTOS, P. M.

Resumo: Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] is believed to be native of Indian subcontinent where the greatest genetic variability of the species is found. Africa has also been considered by some authors as a possible center of its origin, since ample variability can be found there as well. Most likely, however, pigeonpea is originated from that subcontinent but it was taken to Africa and Asia thousands of years ago, from where it was accidentally introduced into the American continent, possibly during the period of slave trading, were it spread widely (FULLER; HARVEY, 2006). It is probably in this period that the genotypes which originated the materials cultivated in Brazil, specially in its northeastern region, were introduced (SANTOS et al., 1994).

Ano de publicação: 2009

Palavras-chave: Pigeonpea, Selection, breeding


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