Application of diferent combination of calcium nitrate and urea trough irrigation water to banana crop.

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Autoria: ALVES, M. da S.; COELHO, E. F.; CARDOSO, C. E. L.; ANDRADE NETO, T. M. de; SANT'ANA, J. A. do V.; SANTANA JUNIOR, E. B.

Resumo: The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of different combinations of two nitrogen sources applied by fertirrigation on the yield of cv. Grande Naine banana and on benefit-cost relationship during the first and second production cycle. The experiment followed a random block design with five replications, where six complementary percentages of urea and nitrate were applied by irrigation water in a drip irrigation system. Bunch productivity, number of fruit per bunch, fruit length and diameter of the second bunch were evaluated. A cost analysis of nitrogen sources for the different combination (treatments) was carried for evaluating variable cost, gross income and gross margin. The mean fertilizer prices were collected in thew region in December, 2007. There was no effect of combination of nitrogen sources on means of yield of bunches, average number of fruits per bunch and average length of fruit of the second bunch. The increase in calcium nitrate in the combination of nitrogen sources induces a reduction on gross margin (profits) for the farmer.

Ano de publicação: 2008

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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