Application of a double-enrichment procedure for microsatellite isolation and the use tailed primers for high throughput genotyping.

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Autoria: DINIZ, F. M.; IYENGAR, A.; LIMA, P. S. da C.; MACLEAN, N.; BENTZEN, P.

Resumo: The number of microsatellite loci and their allelic diversity contribute to increase accuracy and informativity of genetic estimates, however, the isolation of microsatellite loci is not only laborious but also quite expensive. We used (GATA)n and (GACA)n tetranucleotide probes and single- and double-enrichment hybridization to construct and screen a genomic library with an increased proportion of DNA fragments containing repeat motifs. Repeats were found using both types of hybridization but the double-enrichment procedure recovered sequences of which 100% contained (GATA)n and (GACA)n motifs. Microsatellite loci primers were then designed with an M13R-tail or CAG-tag to produce scorable PCR products with minimal stutter. The approach used in this study suggests that double-enrichment is a worthwhile strategy when isolating repeat motifs from eukaryotic genomes. Moreover, the use of tailed microsatellite primers provides increased resolution for compound microsatellite loci, with a significant decrease in costs.

Ano de publicação: 2007

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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