Effect of induced lodging on grain yield and quality of brewing barley.

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Autoria: CAIERÃO, E.

Resumo: Lodging is one of the main factors of constraint to grain yield stability in barley. The objectiv of this study was to evaluate the effects of lodging on agronomic and qualitative traits, when induced at different stages of the crop development. The trial was carried out in Victor Graeff, RS, using a randomized complete black design with four replications and 3 factors: year, lodging date and lodging intensity. The analyzed parameters were grain yield (GY), kernel plumpness (KP), germination (G), and score of lodging at harvest (SLH). No significant interaction was observed for GY and G. The effects of induced lodging at the booting and physiologic maturity stages were distinct for GY, KP and G. Unlike G, the variables GY and KP were not significantly affected by lodging intensity. Quantitative and qualitative losses in barley can be predicted based on lodging.

Ano de publicação: 2006

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Trigo


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