Identification of mega environments in the Brazilian upland rice production area.

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Resumo: The goal of this study explores possibilities to adjust the upland rice regional breeding systems to optimally fit the range of environments they are targeting, based on a historical yield data set of the IBGE. The specific objectives of this study were: to identify and classify environment groups in the Brazilian upland rice (UPR) production area; to validate these environment groups using yield data set from the upland rice multi-trial experiments (MTEs); and to identify the most representative site for each environment group. For that, the historical upland rice yield data from 54 microregions were detrented from the effects of technological advances and adjusted to the reference year, 2006. A matrix was built with the adjusted yield data and submitted to a cluster analysis allowing to identify three different environment groups. These groups were classified as: high favourable environment (HFE); favourable environment (FE); and low favourable environment (LFE). The HFE has as characteristic being less affected by inter-annual rainfall variability than the other two. KEYWORDS: environment classification, cluster analysis, yield.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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