Perfil clínico e andrológico de bodes Moxotó e Canindé infectados experimentalmente com lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR).

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Autoria: PAULA, N. R. de O.; ANDRIOLI, A.; CARDOSO, J. de F. S.; PINHEIRO, R. R.; SOUZA, K. C. de; ALVES, F. S. F.

Resumo: Clinical and andrological profile of Canindé and Moxotó bucks experimentally infected with small ruminants lentivirus (LVPR). Abstract: The aim in this work was to evaluate the clinical, hematologic and andrologic characteristics of native bucks experimentally infected by CAEV. Ten native bucks from Canindé and Moxotó breeds were used, divided in a group experimentally infected and a group control non infected. The hematologic evaluation was accomplished monthly, clinical evaluation biweekly and andrologic evaluation weekly. Before the experimental infection, all the bucks presented normal at clinical and andrologic evaluation. The hematologic evaluation did not differ significantly between the experimental groups. The animals presented values below the normal for bucks for the hematocrit, hemoglobin and CHCM in some months of evaluation. The seminal volume was significantly superior in the infected animals before the infection and the sperm concentration superior only in the third month of evaluation. The caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus does not alter the clinical, hematologic and andrologic parameters from native bucks recently infected in the period that precedes the seroconversion.

Ano de publicação: 2012

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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